Choose where your dollars are going
Once selected, the PayPal donate button will display a list of initiative options, "Donate to an Initiative." Select your choice from the list if you want to support one of our great causes specifically. Find out more about your options below! If you can't decide which great cause to help support, you can leave that part blank and give a general donation, too!
Donate to the Initiative of Your Choice
Donate to the Initiative of your Choice

• Endowment
• Kroshus Bridge Barn
• Norwegian Ridge Language and Culture Camp and Folk-Art Classes
Support kids of all ages learning about Norwegian language and culture through fun crafts and activities! Find out more
• Oral Histories Filming
We have an ongoing goal to document local history through interviews which we present as short films in order to preserve history through personal stories. Check out some of our videos on our youtube channel below, and support our continued efforts to preserve history! Watch Our Videos
• Broadcast quality Film about community farm families
• Sixth-grade academy
• Staffing and Operations
Our dedicated staff work hard on a variety of efforts to preserve and present the history of our community. Donate to this category to continue to fund their vital services and the continuing operation of our building.
• Upstairs Exhibits
• Elevator Maintenance
As part of our recent construction efforts, we are planning to renovate and add new historical exhibits on the second and third floors of our building on various topics including country schools and churches. Donate to this effort to help our exhibits be as beautiful and informative as they can be!
• Juletrefest
For years, the Heritage Center has put on this fun Christmas festival where we celebrate with Norwegian crafts and food. Last year, we couldn’t be together in person, but we had a great time celebrating Christmas with you virtually through a series of videos. We aren’t sure what this next year will be like, but no matter what we look forward to celebrating Juletrefest together!