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Passport to Other Cultures: Germany

This event has passed, but you can find the livestream of it here!

Join us at Giants for a Mini-Oktoberfest! Featuring guest speakers Luther Professor of German Studies Soren Steding; as well as the newly crowned La Crosse Oktoberfest Festmaster and Frau, Douglas & Kimberly Kratt; Grenadier Generals Chris & Susan Hoghaug; and other members of the Royal Family. Learn about the history and evolving culture and people of this country, as well as customs still celebrated in La Crosse and the surrounding area.

PS–we are seeking items for our German Pop-Up Exhibit! Do you have items that you could loan us for this event and into the month of October? If so, please call Giants at 507-498-5070.

Event Schedule

6:30pm–Willkommen! Get your Passport stamped (we provide!), mingle in Immigrant Hall with our guests, and view German Pop-Up Exhibit
7pm–Presentations begin with our special guest speakers
8pm–Mini Fest with samples of traditional German cuisine and beverages, Music,Dancing! Prosit!

Event Location/Venue: Giants of the Earth Heritage Center, 163W. Main St.

Donations Appreciated
This event is possible thanks to grant funding by SMIF (Southern MN Initiative Foundation) and sustaining members of Giants of the Earth Heritage Center. Become a member at any level to help us keep this fun programming alive!

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