Sigmund Årseth

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Sigmund Årseth inspired art

Photos of collaborations of Sigmund and Sallie

Utilitarian Folk Art Rosemaling

Fine Art by Sigmund Årseth

Sigmund Årseth Garden W & E

Photos by Travis Edrington

Aarseth Tells about His Murals

Sigmund Aarseth describes Immigrant Hall’s historical murals. For this top video, we highly recommend that you click on the CC for captioning in the language of your choice. And thank you to Andrew J. Gray for recording this film.

“I love Sigmund’s picture on the south wall of Honored Immigrant Hall at Giants of the Earth Heritage Center. What a great depiction of the parting of ancestors from the old countries to the new world, Norway or other. Sigmund is a true artist and his connection to people is immense. He shows us the true Viking spirit or heritage spirit of those who came to this world from the ancient homelands. There may have been much beauty and family but at that time much suffering there and thus forefathers left for a new life and all this showed a real aptitude for handling change, embracing the new while holding on to the romance and ancient ties of the old. We can do that too.” Jill Storlie

Sallie DeReus and Doug Eckheart Tribute to Sigmund

Giants NewS

July 2011 Volume 1, Issue 3

Sigmund and Sallie create new murals for the Giants Gift Shop (Presently known as the West Room or Welcome Center)

In early May, Giants of the Earth Heritage Center got a surprise from our favorite Norwegian painter—he had the time to create a new mural! Sigmund Aarseth and Sallie DeReus were in Decorah decorating the New Visitor Center at Vesterheim Museum when they informed Giants that they were able to complete that work early. Giants had planned additional work in our museum store, so they came back to our special town (and while here, Sigmund celebrated his 75th birthday). Sigmund and Sallie stopped in and talked with Karen Gray and John Storlie about what to paint that would go with Giants’ theme of recording and preserving the history of Norwegian Ridge and Spring Grove. What came from that conversation was a mural of the cycle-of-life. The mural encircles the upper portion of the 12 feet high west room. It begins in utero, goes through childhood, adulthood, and ends in death—where the cycle continues with birth again. Sigmund appreciates so much the opportunity to work for the Spring Grove Heritage Center and says, “Decorah has always meant something special to me (he has been going to Decorah since he started teaching Rosemaling in the 1960s), and now Spring Grove is becoming equally special. I am grateful to get these challenging commissions which I might never have gotten in similar institutions in Norway, and to work with all of you is a constant inspiration.” -Mike Schmidt