“What Trees Know,” Poetry Reading performance November 11, 2021.
The program took place in the Spring Grove Cinema, followed by a reception and book signing with refreshments at Giants of the Earth Heritage Center.

Writer Emilio DeGrazia read from his book of poems, “What Trees Know” accompanied by his son musician-composer Dante DeGrazia on the piano. The sounds resonating from the stage reflected the sounds of classical music geniuses Chopin and Schubert. Emilio spoke on behalf of trees while telling a family story about a particular immigrant tree—a fig tree in the family’s back yard in Winona. The poetry stems from a sprig his immigrant father brought with him from Italy through Ellis Island.
Dr. Emilio DeGrazia’s book of poems What Trees Know is available in the Kinneberg Gift Shop. The gift shop is open Monday-Saturday from 10 am to 5 pm.
Dr. Emilio DeGrazia
Poet and Professor Emeritus, Winona State University, was named to a two-year term in 2012 as official Poet Laureate of Winona, MN. Emilio DeGrazia, a long-time resident of Winona, MN, began publishing poetry and creative prose in 1973. He founded Great River Review, the state’s most enduring small press literary magazine, in 1977.
Dante DeGrazia
Dante DeGrazia studied music and English at Luther College in Decorah, Iowa. He performs professionally and is a member of four bands, including the Winona-based country-rock bank Texas Toast.
Article in The Caledonia Argus
Poet Dr. Emilio DeGrazia and musician/composer Dante DeGrazia perform in Spring Grove on Nov. 11
“It’s an author reading his poetry and his son playing the baby grand piano on stage at the Cinema to interpret the father’s poetry,” Giants of the Earth Heritage Center President Karen Gray explained.
Poet and Professor Emeritus, Winona State University, Dr. Emilio DeGrazia’s poems inspired by a fig tree in the family’s back yard in Winona stems from a sprig his immigrant father brought with him from Italy through Ellis Island.