WWII Local Oral Histories Project

Weston Noble-WWII Tank Gunner
Famous Luther College Choir director, Dr. Weston Noble, tells of his adventures as a Sherman tank gunner in WWII including: Battle of the Bulge; Concentration Camp Liberation; Hitler’s bunker. Filmed by Dr. Johnathan Storlie. Interviewed, edited, & researched by Lindsey Bratland.
We hope you enjoy Weston Noble-WWII Tank Gunnner. Don’t forget to bookmark this page and share it with your friends on Facebook (click on the icons near the top of the page). The first video includes humorous anecdotes from Weston’s training at the rifle range during basic training. The second video includes a discussion from advanced training to the Battle of the Bulge. The third video includes horrific stories and original pictures from a German death camp. The fourth video includes the push to Germany and discussions about the concentration camp with German civilians and original pictures of the camp. It also tells how Weston visited Hitler’s bunker after the Soviets withdrew.
Thanks especially to Weston Noble, Lindsey Bratland, Johnathan Storlie, and Logan Deschler who were involved in the video end of this project. Thanks also to Mike & Diane Schmidt, Dan Huebner, and many others who have contributed financially to Giants of the Earth Heritage Center oral histories department to make sure that the stories of our treasured seniors are preserved. To help us continue this important work, please donate in the column at left.

Orvel Treangen-WWII BAR Gunner
Spring Grove, MN resident, Orvel Treangen describes his experience in the South Pacific during World War II in the 41st Infantry as a BAR gunner.

Merv Dvergsten-WWII Stories
WWII Spring Grove Area Veterans
- WWII Fighting Jungleer Orvel Treangen (Intro)
- Weston Noble in WWII Trailer
- WWII Norma Reed “I fear all we have done is to awaken a sleeping giant and fill him with a terrible resolve.” Attributed to Japanese Admiral Isoroku Yamamoto following the bombing of Pearl Harbor in the film Tora! Tora! Tora!
- WWII: Tales of the Pacific Theater with Veteran
- Spring Grove Memorial Day 2012
- WW II Vets Merv Dvergsten & Norman Storlie Tales of the South Pacific in World War II with B-25 Mitchell and A-20 Havoc bomber crew chief Norman Storlie.