Settler History by O.S. Johnson 1920

Settler history from Spring Grove and surroundings, Minnesota by O.S. Johnson

How this story came into being.
Coming home from my visit to Norway in the fall 1914 I found a letter from professor A.A. Veblen with a request to write something from these great Norwegian towns around Spring Grove for the newspaper “Samband”. I replied that I didn‟t feel skilful enough to do it and recommended him someone else to ask. But after some correspondence with this prominent countryman A.A. Veblen, I started to write. Most part of it was printed in “Samband”. Many urged me to publish the text in a book. But we owe it to A.A. Veblen that it came into existence. -O.S. Johnson

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Norwegian Ridge (Spring Grove, MN) Pioneers
Thanks to Donald Ellestad for sharing.