Documentary Process Notes
We are currently interviewing Glasrud descendants for the production of a special Glasrud Family in Spring Grove Documentary. This documentary will start out Glasrudag weekend and will be played at the Spring Grove Cinema on the Saturday morning of Glasrudag.
To get people warmed up for the interview, we suggest they review Professor John Christianson’s work on Christian Glasrud.
Christian Glasrud by John Christianson
We also suggest that people bring in original photos (not photocopies of photos, which are much inferior) of the Glasrud ancestors in the early days in Spring Grove, so that they can talk about them during the interviews and so that we can interleave those photos into our documentary “Ken Burns” style.
Glasrud descendants with stories and original artifacts, schedule your taping appointment by calling us today at 507-498-5070. We also welcome your written stories and scanned photos–send them to john@storlie.org. Please scan at 600 dpi to allow for good resolution when magnified.
In charge of the documentary is Glasrud descendant Nick Bjerke, who is widely known for his work with WXOW.
At the end of the documentary, Glasruds will also learn a little about their Glasrud deep ancestry.