“First, let me say that I am very impressed with you and your dedication to the tasks you are performing for the preservation of our heritage, here in Southeast Minnesota. Though I have had only a glimpse of your huge undertaking, I realize it is a marvelous gift and service that you are providing in preserving a greater depth of what our heritage means for our lives and the lives in each generation. Knowing our heritage helps guide us onto the good path of life where we can see the richness and blessings of being in relationships with family and community! We belong to something much greater than our individual selves.”
-Rev. Norman Omodt, Author of From Log Houses to Mud Houses and Other Houses of the Lord
“On behalf of the Houston County Historical Society Board of Directors we would like to thank you for hosting our tour group… A special thanks to the hosts, William Fried for his informative introduction and narration about the murals; Dr. John Storlie for demonstrating the services you offer at the center; Dr. Thomas Carlson for showing us the beautiful library where you work with Ancestry and local genealogy; and to Georgia Rosendahl for arranging our visit and providing refreshments to the tour group. The Giants of the Earth Heritage Center is a wonderful addition to our area in the pursuit of preserving Houston County’s rich heritage.”
-Shirley Johnson, President, Houston County Historical Society
"I wanted to compliment your site and thank you for all of the helpful resources! I meet with a summer research group and we've decided for our summer project we're going to study genealogy and try to uncover some history in our families! The girls are SUPER excited about the project! I was searching for records online that could be helpful and I stumbled onto your page. It can be hard to find quality reference material on the web that's safe for youngsters, so I'm very appreciative!"
-Janet Harris
"Your website is wonderful, it influenced me to travel over 200 miles to visit your research center. John and Thom spent over an hour talking about the center with me and my husband. It was worth the trip."
-Judy Wester
"Thank You Giants of the Earth, Sigmund Aarseth and of course Sallie DeReus. Thank you for your generous gift to my high school art students of your time and talents. It was a rare opportunity for these young artists to meet and talk to the artists at work. Both Sally and Sigmund were delightful storytellers and their excitement and enthusiasm for their art was an inspiration. The murals and stenciling are masterpieces that celebrate the Norwegian culture."
-Renee Eiken
"This genetic genealogy is fascinating! I was amazed yesterday when we found out...that my Dad's father's side (farfar) is related to Roar Moe... about 5th cousins! Wow.. to find these long lost, even distant relatives in the old country is great... especially when you have been friends for 29 years and didn't even know your were related. It is great to have my brother John, PhD to explain what all the information from the genetic testing from various companies (spit into a vile and mail it in) means."
-Jill Storlie
"I have read with much interest the hard work of many people in starting the Giants of the Earth cultural center. Great job!! Looking forward to researching our heritage."
-Don Wendel
"This is a great resource for Spring Grove
-Alyssa Isaacs
"Wow! Awesome articles!!! I’m already beginning to get a paradigm shift in my thinking and am hungry to understand more. I’m so interested in my ancestors and their way of life! I really want to get into the study their lives and values and principles so that I might be able to incorporate even a small amount of them into my life to yield a more satisfying, purposeful, effectual life that I can help pass on to my children."
-Jan Gray
"What a joy to stumble upon your website! " -
-Laurie L. (Anderson) Wittmayer-O'Neill